What once was law is now a tradition – and as we all know, traditions are hard to break. That’s why every year on July 1, while the rest of the country is enjoying barbecues and fireworks in the park, Quebec renters are hauling boxes down winding outdoor staircases, navigating traffic and roadblocks, and scrambling to move their lives from one rental unit to the next. Welcome to Moving Day in Quebec.
If you’re gearing up to take part in this annual tradition, consider this your survival guide. Created by YouSet’s very own team of Quebecers who have first-hand experience and learned a few lessons the hard way, the following checklist will help you navigate the chaos, avoid common pitfalls, and make your move as smooth as possible.
Why Is There a Moving Day in Quebec?
The reason there is a Moving Day in Quebec dates back to the days when the area was part of New France, a French colony in North America. At that time, many French legal customs were adopted, including a law that set a fixed lease-end date to prevent tenants from having to move during the harsh winter months.
This law remained in place until 1973, when the provincial government abolished Quebec’s Moving Day Law and redesignated July 1 as the province’s “unofficial” Moving Day. Despite no longer being a law, the tradition persists. With so many leases still ending on May 31, especially in big cities like Montreal, following the norm often feels easier than breaking it.
Do You Get a Day Off for Moving Day?
Yes, if you move on Moving Day in Quebec, you may get the day off because it falls on July 1, which is Canada Day, which is a statutory holiday across the country. However, if you are required to work on July 1, you are entitled to your usual salary for the day worked, plus either statutory holiday pay or a paid compensatory day off.
Moreover, since leases are no longer legally required to end on May 31, you can technically move at any time of the year. So long as that moving day does not fall on a statuary holiday, you will not get a day off of work for moving. You may, however, be able to use a vacation or personal day, depending on the terms of your employment contract.
The Ultimate Moving Day in Quebec Checklist
Moving is always stressful, but in Quebec, where thousands of people are quite literally moving at the exact same time as you, it can feel like a logistical nightmare. Introducing the Ultimate Moving Day in Quebec Checklist, created with valuable insights and advice from YouSet team members who live and work in the province. This checklist serves as your ultimate survival guide, helping you stay organized, avoid common mistakes, and ensure a smooth transition to your new home.
📅 3 Months Before Moving Day
Check the insurance requirements of your new rental unit
Although tenant insurance is not mandatory in Quebec, it is often a requirement outlined in your lease agreement, which you agree to upon signing. Be sure to check if this applies to you and if there are any additional requirements, such as whether you need $1 or $2 million in tenant liability coverage.
Hire movers
As soon as you know you’re moving, pick up your phone and book professional movers. If you can afford it and you’re lucky enough to secure a booking, hiring movers can significantly reduce the stress of Moving Day.
Book a moving truck
Just like movers, moving trucks can be hard, if not impossible, to find after a certain date. The sooner you reserve one, the better your chances will be of getting a truck that fits all your belongings.
Coordinate with friends and family
If you’re on a budget, you can always try enlisting the help of friends and family. To improve your chances of success, reach out a few months ahead and clearly specify what you need from them. Are you looking for extra hands for lifting or just the keys to their pickup truck?
Reserve a storage unit, if necessary
Storage units in Quebec are in high demand during this time of year. If you know you’re going to need one, book it now so it’s ready for you when you need it.
Request time off, if necessary
If you work somewhere that is open on July 1 and you have the option of using a personal or vacation day to book it off, now’s the time to do so.
Check if you need to book your building’s elevator
If your building has an elevator, there’s a good chance you need to book it in advance in order to use it on Moving Day. To confirm the booking process and any specific restrictions, contact your landlord or property management company.
Start collecting packing materials
Instead of scrambling for packing materials at the last minute, start collecting what you need now. For example, discarded Amazon boxes, old flyers and newspapers, and bubble wrap from delivery packages are all budget-friendly packing materials.
Start decluttering
Your time and energy are limited, so don’t waste them packing and moving items you’ll ultimately get rid of. Take this opportunity to declutter and donate those items to not-for-profit organizations and Ecocentres, such as those in the Montreal area.
📅 30 Days Before Moving Day
Transfer your insurance policy instead of cancelling
If you already have tenant insurance for a rental unit in Quebec, you can transfer your policy to your new address instead of cancelling. This will ensure continuous coverage for you and your belongings, and it could help you avoid cancellation fees.
Update your address
Through the Service québécois de changement d’adresse (SQCA) website, you can update your address with seven provincial government departments and agencies at once. As for any of your other insurance policies (ex. Car insurance), bank accounts, and credit cards, you’ll need to notify each provider individually.
Coordinate the changeover of utilities and services
Inform your utility companies and service providers about your move so they can arrange for the transfer of services from your old address to your new one. This can usually be done quickly through your online customer account and can even save you money – like with Hydro-Quebec, where you can earn a $25 discount for completing your change of address online.
Confirm with friends and family
With Moving Day just a few weeks away, follow up with the friends and family you’ve asked for help. If you’re counting on them, you want to do what you can to make sure they haven’t forgotten or double-booked themselves.
Confirm with your movers or moving truck company
If you booked professional movers or a moving truck some time ago, it’s wise to follow up and confirm your booking. This is the busiest time of year for companies in the moving industry, and mistakes can happen. Don’t let your booking be one that falls through the cracks.
Schedule the exchange of your old and new keys
Moving season is just as busy for landlords and property management companies, so contact them ahead of Moving Day to schedule a time to hand in the key to your old rental unit and pick up the key to your new one.
📅 1 Week Before Moving Day
Get tenant insurance, if you don’t already
If you don’t have tenant insurance, don’t wait until the last minute to purchase it. This is one of the busiest times for insurance companies and brokers in Quebec, like YouSet, and it can take a few days to receive your proof of insurance. To avoid any unnecessary delays, shop for and buy tenant insurance earlier rather than later.
Confirm your booking with movers or a moving truck
To be on the safe side, reach out to your professional movers or moving truck company to reconfirm your booking. This is also your chance to confirm the time, details, and any special requests or instructions for the move.
Get your finances in order
Moving Day often brings added bills. Take the time to review the bills you expect and their due dates. The key is to manage your cash flow to avoid missed or bounced payments due to insufficient funds.
Scout out parking for loading and unloading
If you can, scout out a few suitable locations for loading and unloading your car and/or moving truck. You might even want to talk to your landlord or neighbours to coordinate parking and capitalize on the space you have available.
Research parking regulations and permits
Depending on your current or new location, parking regulations or permits may be required on Moving Day. Research these in advance to avoid getting ticketed or, even worse, having your vehicle towed.
Share your plan with friends and family
Once you have an idea of when you want to start moving, where you want to meet, where you can park, and how long you expect the move to take, send a message to the friends and family who have agreed to help, providing them with all the relevant details.
📅 On Moving Day
Start early in the morning
Everything will only get busier and everyone will only get more stressed as Moving Day goes on. So, if you can, aim to start early in the morning.
Don’t block streets or sidewalks to avoid conflict
Moving Day can already be stressful, and the last thing you want is to make it worse. To avoid unnecessary tension or disputes, make sure not to block any streets or sidewalks when you park your car or moving truck to load or unload.
Leave your old rental unit in good shape
Before you close the door of your old rental for the last time, check that you haven’t left anything behind or caused any damage during the move. Taking the time to do this is key to securing your full security deposit and leaving on good terms with your landlord.
Take photos of your old unit for potential deposit disputes
During your final walkthrough, it’s a good idea to take photos of the rental unit to document its condition. This can serve as valuable proof if any disputes arise regarding your security deposit.
Take inventory before the movers leave
As much as you’re excited to see the movers out at the end of Moving Day, take a moment to do a quick inventory check. Ensure that everything arrives as expected and nothing is missing. This is your best chance to catch any issues while they can still be addressed.
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