Why did my premium increase upon renewal?

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  4. Why did my premium increase upon renewal?

Why did my premium increase upon renewal?

Your renewal price is determined by your current insurer based on updated terms and conditions, and it represents the best rate they can currently offer. So, it’s possible for your insurance premium to increase upon renewal, even if you didn’t file a claim.

Not to mention, drivers have seen an increase in premiums due to rising repair costs, attributed to advances in vehicle technology, an increase in car theft, and the increasing use of expensive materials. Meanwhile, homeowners have seen an increase in premiums due to rising material costs, fluctuating interest rates, and a notable increase in natural disasters. These trends, coupled with general inflation, are causing insurance premiums to increase.

If you’re unsatisfied with your new rate, you can request a new quote on our website. This will allow you to compare options and see if switching to a different insurer offers a premium closer to what you were paying before.

  • Go to YouSet.ca 
  • In the top-righthand corner, click the “Get your free quote” button or click here
  • You will be prompted with a series of questions. Provide accurate and complete answers to all the questions that appear on the screen.

How to get a quote - YouSet Help Center

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